Saturday, 9 August 2014


July Newsletter

July 1st- Canada Day!
               There was no preschool today, but hopefully everyone had a good time enjoying the holiday with their family!

July 8th-Gardens
                During Circle Time we read “Plants Feed Me” by Lizzy Rockwell.  We learned about the different parts of plants that we eat.  After we went outside and looked at the garden.  The children enjoyed learning about some of the veggies planted.  We dug up some earth worms, and the children were fascinated by the way the worms moved.  We learned that worms are good for the environment and help plants grow.  We collected rocks for our craft and painted them to put in our gardens at home.

Painting our rocks.

July 15-Caterpillars
                We read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle using a flannel board.  After we did a finger play about how caterpillars move and the children had fun using their hands to act out the actions.  We turned egg cartons into caterpillars by painting them, adding googly eyes, and antenaes.  We learned about patterns by gluing pomp oms onto caterpillar patterns.  The children had fun exploring the bugs in the sensory bin and took the bugs to use for play in other centres.  A favourite thing was to add the bugs into their pretend food in the Drama Centre.

Discovering the bugs in the sensory bin.
Painting caterpillars
Playing with the flannelboard.
July 22nd-Butterflies
                We read “Waiting for Wings” by Louis Ehlert and the children were able to learn about the life cycle of butterflies.  We pretended that we were butterflies and danced around the classroom to music.  When the music stopped, the children froze the best they could.  We went outside to try and catch a butterfly so we could get a closer look at one.  The morning class didn’t have any luck finding butterflies in the yard, so we went to the playground to look.  They got distracted by the equipment, and we just played instead.  The afternoon class was lucky to see butterflies in the yard, but they were too fast for us to catch!  We made butterflies out of coffee filters.  The children enjoyed watching the colours move on the filter after they used the eye dropper.  The children also coloured a butterfly lacing card, but instead of lacing the cards they turned them into kites and flew their butterflies around the classroom!

Looking for bugs!
Playing at the park.

Making butterflies.

Making butterflies.
Looking for butterflies.

July 29th-Ladybugs
                “The Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle was our story today.  The children enjoyed the “5 Little Ladybugs” finger play following the story.  Their favourite part was when the bird came down and snatched the ladybug off the leaf.  We placed ladybug cut outs on our chairs, and put them in a circle for musical chairs.  The children loved the thrill of trying to find a spot to sit once the music stopped.  We went outside to try and find ladybugs, but didn’t have any luck.  It seems that on the days we want to find a specific bug  (let alone any bug at all) we never do.  When we came in we sorted ladybug cutouts from smallest to largest.  After, we made a ladybug out of a paper plate by gluing read tissue paper down, and then used a bingo dabber to create the dots.  The children had a lot of fun painting the glue onto their plate and then placing the tissue paper on top.

Musical chairs.
Making ladybugs!

Sorting ladybugs.

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