Monday, 16 December 2013

Snowman Soup, Snowman Poop, and Reindeer Poop

   Christmas is almost here!  If you are still looking for one last stocking stuffer, or need an inexpensive gift for that school gift exchange check these out. 

Snowman Soup:
   Fill a little baggie with hot chocolate mix, mini marshmallows, and pieces of candy cane.  Punch a hole through the gift tag, and attach it to the baggie using ribbon.
Click: HERE to get the Snowman Soup gift tag.

Snowman Soup Gift Tag

Snowman Poop:
   Follow the directions for Snowman Soup, but just attach the Snowman Poop gift tag instead!
Click HERE to get the Snowman Poop gift tag.

Snowman Poop Gift Tag

Reindeer Poop:
   Fill a little baggie with hot chocolate mix, chocolate chips, and pieces of candy cane.  You can even still include marshmallows as "snow" from when you were picking up the reindeer poop.  Punch a hole through the gift tag, and attach it to the baggie using ribbon.
Click HERE to get the Reindeer Poop gift tag.

Reindeer Poop Gift Tag

Merry Christmas everyone!

Mrs. T

Monday, 11 November 2013

Lest We Forget

   Today we celebrate the great sacrifice that soldiers made for us to enjoy the many freedoms we take for granted.  I know many of your kids are off school today, and you are probably at home wondering what to do with them.  Here's a cute little book that they can colour, while you talk about the importance of Remembrance Day, and the things they are grateful for. 

If the hyperlink doesn't work, just copy and paste this link into your URL:

Mrs. T

Friday, 11 October 2013

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

   Welcome to the Stay'n'Play Preschool Blog!  Here you'll find fun activities to do with your kids, printouts, and updates about Stay'n'Play Preschool!  At the moment, Stay'n'Play Preschool is not in operation.  However, once my family and I have settled into our first house (the hunt is coming up really soon! I'm super excited!) I'm hoping to get things started up in the Summer of 2014.  In the meantime, I've been busy making lesson plans, working towards completing my Early Childhood Education, and planning fun activities which I will share with you on here. So until then, enjoy the activities and watch for the news!

   Here's a fun Thanksgiving Craft to do with your kidlets.  It's fun, easy, and simple!  Plus, it's a great keepsake!

What you need:
     -yellow, red, orange, and brown construction paper (or paint)
     -googly eyes

What you do (if using construction paper)
     Trace out two copies of your child's hand on the yellow, red, and orange construction paper.  Trace your child's foot on the brown construction paper.  Help your child cut out their hands, and foot.  Using the scraps, cut out feet, and a beak.  Place a dab of glue on the palm of each hand cut out, and place behind the foot to create the turkey's feathers.  After all the hands have been glued on, glue on the googly eyes, feet, and beak.

What you do (if using paint)
   Cover your child's hand with red paint, then press onto a sheet of paper.  Repeat again using the yellow and orange paint.  Arrange the handprints so the palms are together.  Once the handprints have dried, cover your child's foot with brown paint and press on top of the handprints.  Wait for the whole turkey to dry.  Once the turkey has dried, paint on the beak, and feet.  Glue on the googly eyes.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Mrs. T